If I bought a car and the radio didn't work, I'd take it back to the supplier, not go to a forum at all.
If I bought a car and the radio turned out to be exactly what was advertised and not include a whole load of things I has just assumed were included (despite there being information available telling me what was or wasn't included) I'd probably feel a bit aggreived, but in my complaining I would take responsibility for not having done my research properly. If I had been mis-informed by my supplier, I'd be mad at them, not the manufacturer nor other users. If I'd been inclined to read what I wanted to see (say, making a 'hoped for' date into a 'promise') I'd take responsibility for deceiving myself.
If I bought a car and found the radio was lacking features I wanted and I could get access to the people who actually made (and could improve) the radio (even improve the one I'm using!) I would not jump in yelling "You guys are failures! The radio sucks!" as I would not expect that approach to to be very productive. I might say "The radio is good as far as it goes, but for my best use it would be really great if it could have this or that feature: is there any chance of you doing that?"