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Originally Posted by slender View Post
Entering to the market with buggy and incomplete functions that have been around on rivaliers product for quite long I would say that people are pretty patience right now.
So you bought this product instead of the rival for what reason? You do of course realise that this is not intended as a mass market device as well but intended for early adopters?

Originally Posted by slender View Post
I would have gone really mad if i had bought this device for 550€ or maybe I would have given it about 1 week to get updates and after that changed it to other device. People do not have time to "get this" maemo/community idea they are too busy at doing their work and making money for their company and shareholders.
So if you need something that has a few hiccups, don't get one for 'early adopters'. If you want a Nokia business focused device go for the E series not the N series as that is their purpose in life!

Originally Posted by slender View Post
I think that it's really twisted that there is people who forgive incomplitness on many areas because of e.g. multi-tasking and potential. I think that these kind of people have no slightes idea how you should make business todays fast paced markets and they live in dream world. A bit harsh to say, but that's just what i feel. :|
I don't seem to be able to fidn a complete product anywhere else in the IT industry eiher to be honest. Maybe it would be something to do with the fact that time to release is run by marketing people and not the engineers? Oh and the business focused devices are the E series not the N series.

Originally Posted by slender View Post
Fact is that when you come to market a bit late you do not anymore have time to make things better. Customers want functionality and working end product NOW! That's in my opinion really healthy progerss todays market.
You might want to try that one with Microsoft and few other big companies. Late to market? I wasn't aware that they are late to market with the N900 - care to enlight the rest of us on how this was arrived at?