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Posts: 716 | Thanked: 303 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Sheffield, UK
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now just waiting for update to arrive in uk
Showed up about 10 minutes ago for me, updating now (very slowly, but then its 90MB of tweaking going on).

As for the media player on N900 being nothing close to the iPod, I thought that too at first. But once you get used to it, the benefit of being able to just dump music on it and the fact its 1000 times better sound quality than my iPod touch, outweighs the inferior media player UI.

At the end of the day what do you prefer from a media player, a kick *** UI and poor sound quality, or a mediocre UI and kick *** sound quality? I know which I would choose.

That said, I still love my iPod for the games. After finally installing Solitaire Touch I am hugely disappointed, its aweful compared to Solitaire City on my iPod. I hope the lack of DRM does not discourage developers too much. Besides, I jailbroke and installed Solitaire City "for free" and THEN bought it on iTunes when I realised I was playing it a lot. So DRM is not the be all and end all. I just wish developers/publishers would realise that many of us try to obtain a game for free first so we can see if we will play it enough to warrant a purchase.

I did the same with Oblivion and Test Drive Unlimited, downloaded on PC first then bought on Xbox when I knew I liked them. Demos are not always enough of a game to see if you will play it or not, and rental is a ripoff and might as well be piracy anyway, as the publisher gets the same amount of money out of it. Okay, I will stop my "piracy is a good thing for developers" debate now before I drag the thread off-topic.

My Websites
CSD Projects - Flickr - UAE4Maemo (UAE4All Compatibility List)

Favourite N900 Applications
Picodrive - UAE4All

Please post your UAE4All compatibility reports. Even better, post them to my UAE4Maemo site!
Not sure how UAE4All works such as mouse emulation? Read the FAQ.

Last edited by Alex Atkin UK; 2010-01-14 at 13:31.