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Originally Posted by les_garten View Post
I had identical observations. But fiddled around with it each time. You can get it "working". The Sound quality makes it unusable. I quit wasting my time on it.

I'm ticked off about it because I bought the Prime in anticipation of my New Toy(N900). I had a custom molded earpiece made($85) and now it sits in a drawer with theJjawbone 2 next to it. They worked FLAWLESSLY on my Palm 680 during the 3 months bait and switch waiting period to get the N900.
Yup, just keep playing with it. I opened a bug on this after a day on/off trying to pair the Prime. I provided a lot of very detailed information for them to reproduce (I pretty much determined they don't do any work themselves to repro anything and leave it for customers who pay their bills), but Klapper came back w/typical mumbo jumbo including something about "what model of jawbone - they have several". The dude couldn't even take a minute to hit their gateway page - it would have been quicker (and is apparently COMPLETELY out of touch with the market since this is one of the top selling headsets). Or, he didn't read thoroughly (so why bother submitting - I've seen and run into this several times now) or he was playing the old stalling game.

So, I left it with "there is only one model of prime - did you want to know color?" smarta** comment. Wasn't worth it to me to help them with fixing a bug I had and have seen all jawbone users have if they don't want to take it seriously. Like les_garten said, I've never had a problem with this on anything else. Even have paired it to a couple Macs.

You can certainly go vote for it/add your 2-cents. You can probably search for jawbone - filed by hex90 (not hex900).

Good luck and keep messing with it. If you look at my bug, it may give you some help - who knows.