Yup. It's high priority for 90% of the people buying a phone whether it is $49 or $700, especially with all the laws popping up re: driving, but that's not the only reason it's high priority. Seems high priority for many except Nokia/Maemo. Like Les said, it's amazing that Nokia could screw this up so badly since their bread and butter is phones. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but seems like the show is being run by those who don't understand the phone market/what people have grown to expect or what they like/hate. Interesting re:server migration. I didn't know they were doing that. I figured a ticket was filed and it was closed as WONTFIX or sent to debatestorming to determine whether they should run apache or jetty. Wow, I just looked, I see there are still problems. Probably just a problem with the xen port to Maemo. Sounds like an enhancement request to me. Target is Herschmattan, but not the first release - it'll be in an update, but not always the next one. Either that or they are having trouble holding the N900 to their ear while typing. Who would have thunk that people use bt all the time for stuff like that? The good news is documents to go and facebook installers are available :-)