And the easy reply is, "what percentage?" Because small percentages indicate anomalies. Things unanticipated (right or wrong), hardware defects, software conflicts, etc. This is not to diminish the validity of the claims. Rather, it is to place them into the proper context. If 90% posters say the N900 is generally slow, they are likely onto something. A good example was the poor internet video performance of the N810/N800/770-- it was universal, and obviously slow. But many complaints here are shared by a very small number of people, NOT a majority. This is especially true since the majority tends not to say anything. This results in flawed assumptions by some that since they only see complaints then the problems must represent the norm. When the minority has an issue, then many in the majority expect complainers to participate in troubleshooting. But too many complainers refuse, and that results in aggressive "fanboy" responses from people tired of those demanding to be spoonfed by volunteers. It would be nice if everyone could digest this, and we then move on. But it keeps having to be explained over and over and over and over... and some are surprised when forum leaders get testy?
And Mo is sorry to hear that the only other n900 we know of in the Duchy will be going back.