"In a call with Michael Halbherr, Nokia's VP of Social Location, we were told that the new Ovi Maps would arrive on the flagship N97 very shortly. It's currently a "software logistics issue" related to the maturity of the N97 device. N900 owners shouldn't hold their breath, though, as Nokia is focusing on bringing its free navigation service to the next generation of Maemo devices. That's not to say that the N900 won't get it eventually, only that it's not currently on the roadmap."
Look, our time to start discussing Harmattan in more detail comes with the Harmattan alpha release. Think of it: makes sense. In the meantime Nokia representatives are encouraged not to make promises or especulate, which also makes total sense.
Maemo 5 has a roadmap of updates that includes more than bugfixes. It hasn't been disclosed, but the plan exists and is being executed as we speak.
And for you to consider: if setting "Harmattan" target milestone in maemo.org bugs and brainstorms causes all this especulation, bad mood and anxiety then you are making it easier for someone to tell us (Nokians active in maemo.org) to stop sharing any Harmattan related information, for the good of the N900 customers. Threads like this one wouldn't help us defending the increase of openness beyond the scope of open source projects.
So really, if you want to contribute to the future of Maemo and the N900 then please invest your time filing/improving/voting bug reports and brainstorms,
But nobody really needs more acid posts adding nothing really new to a point that has been clearly made