Got derailed by family business, but let's get started. These are taken from this thread, kudos to kwotski: List of folders that may (apparently) be safely moved and linked, and approx. saved size: Code: 5-30M /home/reclaim/usr/share/icons 2M /home/reclaim/usr/share/mc 10-12M /home/reclaim/usr/share/nokia-maps 0-50?M /home/reclaim/var/cache/apt 3M /home/reclaim/var/lib/apt 25-30M /home/reclaim/var/lib/dpkg I have moved others, and will update as I see that they seem safe.
5-30M /home/reclaim/usr/share/icons 2M /home/reclaim/usr/share/mc 10-12M /home/reclaim/usr/share/nokia-maps 0-50?M /home/reclaim/var/cache/apt 3M /home/reclaim/var/lib/apt 25-30M /home/reclaim/var/lib/dpkg