Does anybody know if you can use the Iphone as a modem for your macbook (or N800)? If people are forced to buy a unlimited dataplan, I would like to use it on a laptop also. If not, can you remove the AT&T simcard and put it in a normal Edge phone that allows modem usage? The Iphone comes with the simcard pre-installed, but it doesn't say if you can remove it and use it in a different phone. I understand that you need to activate the iphone (=buy a two year AT&T contract) before you can use it. But is it Simlocked? (so could you put in a different card if you are in a foreign country for example?) Most providers in Europe don't sell locked phones to people that buy a service plan. Mostly Prepaid phones get locked. Does the Ipod/webbrowser/email/camera part still work if you remove the AT&T card (or put in a different sim card if locked)? What happens if your service plan stops at AT&T? (can you still use the device?) I think it would be absolutely criminal if people need to keep paying an insane $60,- a month just to use it as an Ipod. the reviews don't say yet.