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Posts: 47 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2010
If I run "sudo apt-get install hildon*" I get

[QUOTE]Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-cscz for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon1 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-svse for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-status-menu for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-theme-mobile-basic for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-itit for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon-im-western-plugin-common3 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-engb for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-fifi for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-desktop-python-loader for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon-thumbnail0-dbg for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon-im-ui3 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-enus for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-english for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-input-method for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-nlnl for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-icons for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildonmime-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon-time-zone-chooser0-0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-eses for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-mr for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-mr0 instead of hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-mr
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-esmx for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-nono for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting python2.6-hildon for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting python-hildon instead of python2.6-hildon
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-frca for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-theme-harry for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-dbg for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-itit for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-desktop for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-frfr for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-status-bar-usb-l10n-mr0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-home for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildonfm2-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting python-hildondesktop for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-theme-cacher for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-public for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-theme-devel for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-plpl for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting dates-hildon for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-nlnl for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-public for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-nono for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-mr for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-mr0 instead of hildon-common-strings-l10n-mr
Note, selecting hildon-libs-l10n-mr0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-libs-l10n-mr for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-ptpt for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-dadk for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting galculator-hildon for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-mr for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-mr0 instead of hildon-control-panel-l10n-mr
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-nlnl for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-dbg for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-itit for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-plpl for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting tasks-hildon for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-mr0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-mr1 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-im-plugin-base-settings for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-dede for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-input-method-framework for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildonmime0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-mr0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-nono for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon-1-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-im-fkb for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting update-manager-hildon for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildonfm2 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-im-plugin-settings for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-ruru for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon-thumbnail-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-ptpt for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-plpl for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-dadk for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-theme-tools for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-cscz for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-fm-l10n-mr0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-status-bar-usb-l10n-mr for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-svse for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-theme-plankton for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-dede for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-mr0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-input-method-configurator for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-theme for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-engb for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-tests for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildondesktop-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-fifi for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-nlnl for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-ptpt for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-thumbnail for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon-im-vkbrenderer3 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-im-vkb for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-enus for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-ruru for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-theme for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildondesktop0-doc for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-dadk for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-nono for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-eses for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildonwm0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildonwm-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-plugins-notify-sv for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-esmx for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-theme-alpha for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-cscz for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-frca for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-dede for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-libs-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-base for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon-input-method-widgets-sdk2 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-svse for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-frfr for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildonhelp0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildonmime0-dbg for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting python-hildon-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-plpl for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildonhelp0-dbg for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-fm-l10n-mr for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildonhelp-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-input-method-widgets0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-engb for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-fifi for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-keyboard for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting cheese-hildon for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-ruru for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-enus for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-public for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-desktop-dbg for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-mr0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-theme-plankton-2 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-theme-plankton-3 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-cscz for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-im-virtual-keyboard-layouts for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-eses for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-desktop-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-svse for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting cairo-clock-hildon for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-esmx for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting python-hildon for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-ptpt for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-frca for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-l10n-frfr for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-dadk for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-engb for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-fifi for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-mr for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-mr0 instead of hildon-application-manager-l10n-mr
Note, selecting libhildon-input-method-widgets2 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-public for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon1-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting python2.5-hildon for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting python-hildon instead of python2.5-hildon
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-dede for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-enus for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-update-category-database for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-control-panel-personalisation-l10n-itit for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-eses for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildondesktop1-dev for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon-thumbnail0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon-1-0-dbg for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-esmx for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildondesktop0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildondesktop1 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting contacts-hildon for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-navigator for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-frca for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-im-common-virtual-settings for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-theme-layout-4 for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-application-manager-l10n-ruru for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-common-strings-l10n-frfr for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting hildon-initscripts for regex ‘hildon*’
Note, selecting libhildon-1-0 for regex ‘hildon*’
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies.
hildon-control-panel-l10n-english: Conflicts: hildon-control-panel-l10n-engb but 6.0+r7342+0m5 is to be installed
hildon-control-panel-personalisation: Depends: libgconf2-6 (>= 2.13.5) but it is not installable
Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2:2.12.9-0osso1) but 2.18.3-1ubuntu2.2 is to be installed
Depends: libhildon1 but it is not installable
Depends: libosso1 (>= 2.26) but 2.16-0ubuntu3 is to be installed
Depends: ke-recv-l10n-mr but it is not installable or