My n900 is totally indispensible - I use it (alot!) on a daily basis. It would be great if we do get MeeGo for the n900 but if a stable version never manifests itself then so what? it is still a great little device! Maemo is still a great OS which means I have a linux computer in my pocket! I have installed a few apps and they are all genuinely useful to me. I think a lot of people bought the n900 because it was the "next new thing" and seem to constantly moan about it in this forum! Maybe these people should have thought a little harder / done some research first before committing to buy one. I guess they sat down, played with the n900 a little then lost interest because they don't actually need one. They could not think how it can be useful to themselves and instead constantly moan about it. My only gripes are no OTG usb & no reliable way to connect a bluetooth keyboard & mouse to it. It's a great device and very happy with it. I needed a device like this because I travel frequently. I nearly bought an Android phone before I heard about the n900 last year.