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Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
I am not even talking about the fact that the phone app is missing the most basic functions that we have had in Nokia phones for over 10 years now such as per contact ring tones, a proper call log, etc. Nor the fact that the call volume is not anywhere close to the level of the N95.
You are counter argumenting yourself. Maemo is a young platform. It went a long way in becoming very usable Operating System for handheld devices already.
The phone functionality is very new. You cannot expect all the features Nokia developed for S40 and then redeveloped for S60 immediately on this new platform. Surely knowhow is transferrable, but code isn't (Symbian is soooo different from what we got used to in POSIX world.). And given the limitted manpower given to Maemo platform (S60 brings still 90%+ revenue of Nokia), we should not expect miracles.

The phone applet is there. It even has more than basic make/recieve calls functionality. Hell... it already have most features I had in my previous HTC WinCE crapphone. And it behaves... similarly stable.

Regarding your specific problems, there is definetely something wrong with your device. There are reports of hardware problems manifesting all mysterious ways. Maybe a simple replace would make you happier?

I am using N900 as the only phone since November '09 and I didn't experience such problems. I was even annoyed once by a call interrupting watching a movie with friends on a big TV. I do not disable any features, and I don't have to charge it twice a day - every night only.

So... You're right - N900 phone functionality is crap in todays standards. But it has the advantage of beeing there and I don't have to carry two devices with me all around.
smoku (SMTP/XMPP) ...:.:....:... pebbled . Poky Fish : sixaxis . psx4m . uae4all
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