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Originally Posted by HtheB View Post
I was replying in general (that says that it hates his/her N900), not for a specific person
you are realy a big TROLL
the n900 regardles of how you or any1 define it , phone or tablet , for most ppl is a TOOL .
if u use it to chat with ur friends etc , and missing a call isnt that bad for u , i can totaly understand it . but for some ppl missing a busnise call may mean disaster .
back to to original thread now
i experience some lag when recieving a call , but all i can remeber is 1 or 2 call that i missed . since then i reboot my phone evey day when i wake up .

Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
this is correct. push any man enough and he'll push back.

and no one can say that the title isn't provocative, attacking, ... etc. for persons who have paid a lot from the same device. it is direct critic to everyone implying that your decision of buying was totally wrong.
your post makes me wonder ..
1st he spend the same mount of money as every1 for the device.
2nd he doesnt criticis/attack u , since u r not " Nokia " nor the device designer or the OS developer , i guest.
3rd he just states a problem he has , and after paing 585 euros in my case , i expect the device to work PERFECTLY, and every1 else here should expect the same . for the love of god this is nokia's flagship device , if it cant perform smoothly the task it supposed to do what can u expect from other cheaper devices !

Originally Posted by overlord View Post
As I said... Everyone who is prone to whining should have done his homework when it comes to buying this device... The fault is yours and yours alone......
can show me where excacly it says , you will miss your phone calls when watching videos ?

ps: regardless of how much i like my N900 the truth is that it is far from perfect in ANY aspect and needs much work .
psII: since every1 here bought the n900 , we somehow " love it " .
psIII: sorry for my english , but its not my 1st nor 2nd language .


Originally Posted by johnel View Post
The moral of the story is:

"He who use bad thread title will be f***ed by many d***heads"
ps: you should use scull ****ed

the funny thing is that ppl here try to to fight ppl reporting some problems with there n900 , its not just on this thread but everywhere !! its like they work for nokia , or nokia pais them for trolling the forums ..

Last edited by on3st4b; 2010-04-10 at 14:17.

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