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Posts: 1,427 | Thanked: 2,077 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Sydney
Originally Posted by on3st4b View Post
Downsides :
- crapy phone app
-crapy call log
-no mms , not out of the box at least .
-slagy media playback , i notese lots of breaks when i play music over stereo BT headset.
-nokia maps not fully fuctional , not yet.
I've used mobile phones since analogue days over 13 years ago. Have gone through at least 15 phones. Philips, Nokia, Ericsson etc.

Phone app - yes, it's not as good as it can be. But I haven't missed a single call due to an issue with the app. Dunno, iPhone phone didn't seem any better last time I tried.

Call log - just install extended call log. easy.

No mms - yeah. I use fmms. Does the job okay enough.

BT - Dunno. I haven't used BT headset. So maybe it's bad?

Maps - yeah. it sux with no voice guided navigation. Just use Sygic or wait and hope Nokia does something about it. But you can't say all other phones come with free turn by turn navigation. iPhone doesn't if I remember correctly and Windows Mobile doesn't either.

There's always going to be a bad side to every phone. I can list much more negative important stuff about other phones than the N900. =P