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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
But dude... that doesn't sound like a market does it? It sounds... very... specific Even that line only describes a subset of the opensource community itself...
It is a market... it's a market for me .

I'm the only important person anyway .

But no, and that is why the future of the tablet and N900-like devices is very bleak. Take a look at the Maemo 6 security structure for how they are going to handle paid software. If I recall right you will have to dual boot: One "secure" mode that locks you out of everything and becomes an Android phone, and one "open" mode that doesn't allow you to play your paid apps - but gives you root.

That to me sounds like "phasing out" those of that appreciate the openness of root. I of course understand the problem: How do you keep "root" from ripping off your app - but someone like me - I'm completely unconcerned with that. I don't write, nor use paid software (short of games on my Desktop). I haven't paid for a single app in the Android Market.

I am sticking like glue to MeeGo to see what they do and how they handle this dilemma; but because of the "market" and the "general consumer" - I see a very dim light for those of us that like the freedom that the NIT series and N900 offered us.

The N900 does a much better job at tricking people into thinking it's a normal device; which I guess is why people like in the OP can use it and be just fine - but I personally think if that user were to use one of the other, more streamlined devices - they'd actually be happier. YMMV.
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