I`m sorry but what makes you think there is something wrong with what he is doing? Just because you can do things to your N900 and download GBs of (un)finished software does not mean you have to. I am actualy a similar type of user to him, I bought the N900 for its form factor, great physical keyboard, for the OS it is running, for the so customisable UI with widgets, contacts and bookmarks on desktop, for the way it keeps me in touch with people I want to be in touch. I bought it for the awesome browser so I can leave my power hungry PC switched off when I don't really need to run quadcore cpu and a graphics card with 1GB of memory just to read an article on a website. Yes I am running the latest firmware and have installed some stuff from extras-devel but because I am a complete linux virgin I can say I have launched xTerminal maybe twice since december.. I know a person whose grandad treated himself to an Astra VXR (google if needed), a 240bhp hothatch, now I could laugh and think WHY would you want / need a car like that at 65ish years of age or I could say good for you mister, enjoy while you can..