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Addison, your screenshot suggests that you might not be following my instructions; the "/debian/" directory that you're showing there -- is that after you've run Easy Debian? Because if it isn't, the explanation is that you're dumping everything into a directory in your flash memory, instead of into the mounted ext2 partition.

The problem with that theory is that it looks like you've got the 280MB rootfs file in there too, which would be too big for your flash memory. Hmm. I'm not sure what that's a picture of.

Here are my instructions, expanded a bit.

First, put tar file (debian-m5-v3b-rootfs.tar.bz2) to the FAT32 partition (which should be mounted as /media/mmc1 I think? Or is it mmc2 on the N810?). It really doesn't matter which. You just need to know the correct path to the file. Let's assume, for the purpose of the instructions, that you've put it in /media/mmc1/

Next, open a terminal. Type the following.

sudo qmount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /floppy
The tablet should respond with the following (and only this). If it doesn't, stop and post what it actually says.

using device: /dev/mmcblk1p2
Using ext2 file system
mounting device: /dev/mmcblk1p2
Now you have your new partition mounted as /floppy. I'm honestly curious at this point to know what's in there. I would love to see a copy-and-paste of the output of this command:

ls /floppy -l
Anyway, the next thing you should do is enter the following two commands. This will change the directory to /floppy (where your new partition is mounted) and then dump all of the Debian filesystem into it.

cd /floppy
sudo gtar xjvf /media/mmc1/debian-m5-v3b-rootfs.tar.bz2
Your prompt should change to contain "/floppy" after the first command, and then the second command should cause lots of scrolling stuff on the screen. It will eventually stop. When it does, type the following:

cd /
sudo qumount /floppy
The tablet should respond with:

..Unmounting /floppy...
successful unmount...
Then, to test out your new Debian partition, type the following:

sudo debian
You should get a response like:

No chroot dir specified; using /debian
/dev/mmcblk1p2 specified in ~/.chroot
using device: /dev/mmcblk1p2
Using ext2 file system
mounting device: /dev/mmcblk1p2
Everything set up, running chroot...
[root@chroot: /]
If that's not what happens, please post the output of what actually does happen.

As for the rest of your message...

I'm not sure what you mean when you say, "my memory card would disappear all together". Does the /floppy directory appear completely empty? Or does something else disappear that was there before?

Maybe the weirdness with your N810 (the weirdness that made your card appear corrupted) is causing the problem again?
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Last edited by qole; 2010-04-25 at 06:34.

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