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Posts: 237 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by buxz777 View Post
not being funny mate and sorry if this sounds harsh but its because of people like you dwnloading torrents etc that we are all suffering

it has allways been 500mb just with a soft limit

its obviuous looking at this thread and the voda thread that many people have been abusing the service , hence these new changes

if people are downloading torrents etc then its pretty obvious why these changes are now taking place
understandable mate but up until now i have used it normally granted i like to watch horse racing on my n900 but if im betting online with the phone then i will watch the race on my phone to also i like to listen to a internet radio station alot on my way to work each day as well as checking facebook coming on here checking football scores looking at news etc which i would define as normal usage if it breaks over 500mb then fair enough but im not doing it on purpose

only now when i want a high data usage so that i can tell voda that it will affect me by 10% in my bill that im now taking the piss with my usage