And what do you use to make phone calls? Or maybe because you spend all your time "programing" you maybe have only one friend and therefore different ringtones don't matter eh?
This device was supposed to be THE BEST device out there. Show me any other device without options for the end user like this one.
Why don't you code a twitter app straight on the N900 and make it available for everyone? Why don't you code a decent "rotate-me" so people would stop complaining? It's been 7 months since the launch!!
Can anyone explain me WHY is that so difficult? The excuse of "this is a computer with phone capabilities" is not an excuse anymore! I can use my 22 inch widescreen monitor in PORTRAIT mode using Vista or XP, how hard is for Maemo to do that? I wish someome could come here and explain WHY, becase evryday we see more and more people giving up with this marvellous piece of hardware, just because the SO is not up to the task.