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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
@xenkof: I'm not a fan of nokia lately, but I think their N8 device is quite attractive for the price point. I think it's great for Nokia (as a company) but obviously we're not in the same target market, so it may not be appealing to us. But, yes, in general I agree with your sentiments about N900 ... ;(
You got the point

It seems that symbian is the real competitor in the smartphone market, while maemo/meego targets different shares.

The problem is that:

* symbian does not seems (IMHO) a real killer in the smartphone market, and does not attracts "common" developers, it's phylosophy seems to be "old"

* the n900/maemo has too much power to define it only a tablet

* maemo/meego may really gain a very big share if only the phone part has more love, and may become the PERFECT all-in-one device, more then iPhone it'is open with an open SDK, more then Android it has X and regain all exisiting gnu/linux apps.

A lot of people thinks the same, it's only Nokia that seems to go in the wrong direction (well, that in our opionion that may not be emotionless).

Finally that's the real reson I do not like "it's only an internet table" no more, no less, coming from the "OpenMoko freerunner" experience I really love the idea of gnu/linux phone/computer, just hoping that someone in Nokia will join the concept.
