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Posts: 139 | Thanked: 135 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Cambridgeshire, UK
One vote from me. I don't care what Nokia said or didn't say - the N900 is clearly capable of running it and of being a better device and it costs a lot of money. I bought it with the expectation of a string of Maemo based devices to come after it and hence continuing to drive support and updates based on that. As that's clearly not going to happen I want the option to switch the the OS that is.... it's not like I want a 4 year old phone to suddenly have all the updates of the latest one, this phone and OS is mere months old! (not that I like Apple or the iPhone one bit, but... they did update their 4 year old devices!!)

Originally Posted by h3llraz0r View Post
You're comparing Vista/486 with MeeGo/N900

I must disagree with that comparison!
Here here! I'm so fed up of people on this forum spinning perfectly valid comments and complaints into ridiculous extreme examples like that. The Maemo platform in release terms is mere months old - not 15+ years!! MeeGo is obviously able to run on the N900 because they have released builds of it for developers, for the N900.

Last edited by stopgap; 2010-05-26 at 13:24.