Actually in a matter of speaking I am :| M.Sc. And I thought quite contrary about your statements. I tried to find scientific way of looking things and not to jump conclusions about "facts". And why you are talking about encryption? Ainīt just some parts of FW updates closed binaries and flasher program flashes some parts only if itīs older (like gsm modem fw). And more importantly what I said were NOT facts as you are referring they were just observations how other devices work when we are speaking about fw-updates. (Btw. because of what you have said here (or way how you have said it) it also means that itīs "fact" impossible to hack official image file or flasher so that it bricks your device to condition that user is not able to fix it. So if this is the truth then you actually might be right) But itīs nice that you are planning to make wiki/thread about this issue and that is probably the most appropriate way to use our energy here in maemo-world.