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Originally Posted by james174 View Post
To copy and paste use Ctrl+c and then Ctrl+v on the keypad, however if you are looking to copy text from an e-mail, *without* having to go through the annoyance of having to forward the e-mail in the first place, just hold shift, select the text, then you can copy the text and paste it where ever you like
Actually, the manual has the full story:

Copy text from a mail message

1. Tap the message at the point from where you want to start copying.
2. Press and hold the shift key, and use the arrow keys to select text.
3. Press ctrl + C to copy the text, and ctrl + V to paste it to another location.
I don't like this method so much, though, as it is hiding basic functionality in a non-obvious way. To begin with, a character cursor needs to be shown after step 1 above - this would already have been enough for me to figure the rest.

The problem of choosing between scrolling the window and selecting text in order to copy/paste it is exactly the same situation as in PDF readers.

The current method could remain as a shortcut, but a toolbar button for toggling, as in all the PDF reades that everyone already knows, would avoid the need for actually requiring people to read the manual. There seems to be space available in the toolbar.