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promethh's Avatar
Posts: 211 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Washington, DC
If you install Pidgin, you can SMS from AIM by putting "+" and the country code in front of the entire number. In the US, sending an IM from your N770/N800 to "+12025551212" would SMS that person at "202 555 1212". My wife and I SMS quite a bit from my N800.

I'm not familiar with the UK country code or whether is acting as an SMS gateway in the UK.

Having a native SMS client to your phone might be better, but I haven't seen any yet. While I've coded in Python for Linux servers and for the Danger Hiptop (T-Mobile Sidekick), I haven't touched it yet on the N800. I'm curious how the APIs are.

Last edited by promethh; 2007-08-30 at 16:29. Reason: edited for clarification (AIM will act as SMS gateway in US, not sure if UK)