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Posts: 1,082 | Thanked: 1,235 times | Joined on Apr 2010
I have to Say I'm very impressed when I heard about this phone and I will probably buy because all sign point to the phone coming to T-Mobile USA. Specs we all want specs ok 1ghz Samsung processor, 5mp camera that shoots hd video but no flash in the camera, 521mb of ram, front facing camera however us versions don't have this, 4 inch super amoled display 800x480, and Android 2.1 with Touchwiz 3.0. My only problems with the Galaxy S would be the touchwiz ui makes it to weird looking and lack of flash in the camera. I have always thought of Touch Wiz as a iPhone and Android got drunk and had an unholy child and there you go it very iPhonish and very Androidish to but there should be a way to disable TouchWiz.
What do you guys think.

Last edited by railroadmaster; 2010-06-22 at 22:26.