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Originally Posted by pantera1989 View Post
GuardIt, like DRM is useless. They will still find a way to crack it. Just like no amount of protection will ever stop hackers. It is a continous war.
GuardIT's already been "hacked". As will, inevitably, any and all DRM measures. Some are downright simple.

Apple's Fairplay. Remember it? Want to get around it? Burn the music to a CD, via iTunes, rip to mp3... enjoy DRM-less music. Want to get around FlexNET? Extract your machine's ID, insert manually into a *.lic file, place in the right place.

Want to avoid using Protexis or the services therein? You just have to relocate the PSIKey.dll and you're able to run it without those intrusive services that already run on top Windows.

Simply put, I agree. DRM isn't the answer. It treats the buying consumer like a criminal and doesn't stop the criminals from using it anyway.

With that said, no DRM offered on a platform - whether they use it or not - means little to no 3rd party applications on that platform unless that platform entices folks with... well, money. Skype, Gizmo were there because they were paid for the most part.