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Posts: 147 | Thanked: 472 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Hi! I'm one of the developers at Instinctiv. The current version is definitely a 0.9 release for us as we gauge which areas of the app need the most polish. As for the quality of shuffle, unfortunately there was a mixup at Nokia and they posted a version that's aimed our dev servers. In other words, you're getting pretty second rate data. As soon as they post the correct version you should see a significant improvement although we're still in the process of collecting data to power that service ~ PB

Originally Posted by Haus3r View Post
Downloaded it last night. Instinctive is by far the best looking and most most intuitive application I've seen since months.

I agree it's still a bit laggy, cover art in the Database is not working, and Landscape mode is not supported, but it's definitely a step in the right direction, and I'd very much like to see more!

EDIT: It's missing its own volume slider, and the 'Instinctive Shuffle' Option chose to only play songs from 2 artists out of possible +100, despite skipping every song [which should tell the program to play less songs 'like the one I just skipped'. Well, it doesnt ] It just loops them now
Sorry, guys. There was a mixup and the wrong version of the app got posted We'll have this fixed for you as soon as Nokia puts up the right version.

Originally Posted by jaysire View Post
Wrong. It didn't start working. You just screenshotted another part of the program I have album art in the "now playing view", but none in the list of albums.
Hi. I'm one of the developers at Instinctiv. Could you give me a sense of how many songs you have on your device and whether or not the app continue to hog the CPU after the first few minutes of use? Thanks! Hopefully we can get this issue taken care of quickly! ~ PB
Yikes! I'm one of the developers at Instinctiv. If you're up for it, I'd love to do some live troubleshoot with you so we can get to the bottom of this bug. If you have skype or aim, email me your screen name and a good time to reach you (as well your timezone) at peter @† instinctiv dot com. ~ PB

Last edited by xomm; 2010-07-07 at 15:39. Reason: Edit previous posts instead of multi-posting, please.

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