off topic a bit but . . . even tho Meego is open source . . . almost ANY DEVICE running it will have closed drives and apps running on it . . . just like the nvidia drivers in ubuntu linux . . . they are closed . . . you can use them so long as you use them with a nvidia grafics chip but you can't edit / improve them and you can't try to use them on a non nvidia chipset . . .
Same BS with Android . . . the base OS is open but hardware manufacturs still have to make the drivers for the **** to work and the phones ship with a bunch of apps that are closed AKA Gmail Youtube Google Maps . . . ect
Mer doesn't even have a basic phone dialing app . . . it is just the OS, the App Manager and a terminal. No phone No Music Player No Web Browser nada.
for a company to pick up Mer and start building they would need to develop thier own phone app, drivers for the gsm and sim antenna, wifi functions ect.