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Originally Posted by sb10ck View Post
I try to sync a 1GB Truecrypt File with the N900, but there is no way. The File is in the N900-Folder in Dropbox and i try to download it to the N900. After a half an hour a (German) message appears: "Vorgang wurde wegen zu geringer Speicherkapazität vorübergehend deaktiviert". First Dropbox-Client freezes and last the N900 completly. Any other way possible?

When i sync a smaller TC-File, and a have changes, is the whole File transfer to sync (e. g. 200MB) or only the changes?
You can compare this download to you downloading this 1GB file from a webpage. And I would say web browser will handle it much better with memory usage etc. Python propably does a poor job there with that big of files with the standard httplib that is basically for getting web pages, not 1GB data files. In theory the download should work but probably get into trouble with the mobile devices memory or something.

If you do any change to a file it will be fetched again completely, there is no way for me to know what bits to update etc the dropbox desktop clients get the whole file also not just updated "parts". At least this is what I assume and have noticed when using the clients.

With the current API and things I am working with it's hard to make a client like you see on the PC that does networking for big files etc. perfectly. This client is for most use cases but not propably for getting 1GB files daily. You will find better luck most likely by using the web interface to fetch your big files than my python client
DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client