Hey everyone, how goes it? Im faily new to the forum but not new to forums in general. I didnt search this due to the slight urgency. Im looking at the N900 off Ebay. Risky I know, but for around 330-350 USD with shipping, its perfect. But I live in Canada, and specifically have Fido as a service provider, meaning the 3G wont work in my area. Im a student going to live on residance, so talking isn't going to be my number one priority. Texting, Facebook, games, Twitter, browsing web pages and going on MSN-esque programs are my main needs. Aswell as a flowing UI, which Maemo can give. I'm not a 'power' user, but I love to tinker with the device (Former Symbian User) So in final my question is: Is it worth getting the N900 if my area is not 3G compatible? Should I focus on Andriod instead?