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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
Heh. Given you are a company delivering a new mobile device--and an improved software release to drive it--approximately once a year--and given you're working to increase the openness of your software development process--getting more open source developers involved earlier and working upstream at all times--what's your suggested alternative?
I would concentrate on the software and make sure those early supporters and developers were loved, that you gave them everything they needed to support one software before you pull the rug and support in favour of another FAD. At the VERY LEAST you do a total and equal amount of support to cover what the development community do. That way you don't look like junk to the world and it's dog and everyone looking to buy into it later on, lots of people come on here, read people saying good bye and thanks for all the fish. They don't see a happy developers community being loved by Nokia, so they won't buy in later on.

You as a company make sure that every piece of software you as the company are responsible for is fully supported at all times, like Ovi maps, Ovi suite, Ovi store. So that when you actually release something it works, allowing developers a fair crack at the whip. Not hamstringing them with a turkey from the get go.

You won't get more open source developers on board if you don't even match their effort. Get OVI in all it's named areas working as an "AT least." benchmark before you move onto the next new thing.

And as a second but equaly important point. Make sure your new software does what every other manufacturers in the market can do (MMS, custom ring tones, word editing etc), or you fight a losing battle of catch up. 6 months to get half written and under performing basics. Others are doing it bigger, better and faster, so you will never catch up and Nokia are not catching up. So where do developers go, the "nice easy business model with customers", or the "mess and no support" Nokia?

That is the suggested alternative.

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