Does Android have a word processor for opening and editing .docx documents?
thanks taking a picture (on the phone) then uploading to an auction listing.then running my ebay account from the full ebay website i want full access not a semi skinned app.i tried this on 3gs and could not make it work (maybe my fault was on a shop demo unit) i do not want to use hosting sites,maybe iphone 4g.Was surprised today used n900 for a while, like my text smileys sent my son one on his tattoo android 1.6 (like streak) nothing he got just black dots not lovely yellow face i thought he was getting not very impressed
For me anything branded Nokia is straight off the list of possible alternatives. This turkey has destroyed any faith I had in their phones. And as I have some say in my firms mobile phones and spending, they won't be darkening our door anytime soon either. I love open source but I also like functioning hardware and workable OS and the N900 isn't. Nothing I want in work can be done on the N900 that can't be done better on other phones and so I am now back to my tytn2 which is 2 years old and runs cruddy winmo6.