the biggest problem is that you weren't here when the information were available and amongst active topics. ever heard about wikipedia? (hint: look at the sources) there is a simple reason why step 4 thing isn't mentioned in the marketing places (this is where "research before you buy" derives...)
You ask about confirmation regarding a high-end Nokia device? A Nokia device? Perhaps you could show us your sources or the N9 specs running Symbian? Untill the device comes out, id est, is officially announced any conversation will be speculation. I havenīt been up to date either, but a quick glance over at the Wiki page taught me itīs open source since februari 2010. I canīt help but wondering, after reading this thread and your comments, what you yourself are able and willing to contribute to such a project as porting Symbian to the N900. You talk about "we", yet you get angry at anyone who gives a bit of opposition to your expressed ideas. If there is such a thing as "we", regarding this particular idea of yours, how come you seem to have so much trouble taking a bit of criticism? I suppose you are aware that a lot of people who own the N900 are higher than average tech-savy people that tend to be fairly critical at any technology being thrown at them. Thatīs how they became tech-savy... So I guess my question(s) would boil down to this: what kind of road map do you have, in terms of specs and requirements and how are you going to win people over to this project in order to help you?
If you wasn't so up thight.. you would realise that it's you who start all the flaming. This time you ask for peoples opinions.. and when they give you it.. you take it as flame because they don't agree with you?!? Get a life dude...
the only difference between n97 and n900 is the os?? what the ****????
jeah ahhhmm... its.......... just................... funny............
who the **** wants symbian on their n900