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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
wikipedia was the shortest path to the source. care to elaborate what wasn't fully accurate in the wikipedia compared to the source?

yeah, just like apple announced that iPhone 4 has major design flaw and it is their fault.... (again that is why one should do some research before buying)
What i mean by Wikipedia not being accurate is coz i don't trust it fully. It's updated by users so not everything is 100% correct. And what source are you comparing Wikipedia to?? The point was that Nokia, or any company for that matter won't put up something like "we have problems with this device" OR "this device is 4/5 completed, i.e it's a prototype". That's why u don't see this on Nokia's site.

As for the iPhone, that's different. They obviously didn't tell people about the death grip. People only found out about it after they bought it, and Gizmodo even posted videos to show the problem. Because of so many users complaining about this, they had to hold another keynote to specifically addressing this issue. BUT it's NOT like they told people about it first and then people complained about it.

Originally Posted by anthonie View Post
No I did not. What I said is this

May I kindly suggest you do the same?
oops sorry, i thought u were the other guy, as i was referring to this quote:

Originally Posted by maluka View Post
From what I skimmed above, you got a few things wrong.
1. The N9 is the first MeeGo phone, not Symbian.
2. Symbian is Open Source
my bad.

Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
promised where?
i wasn't being specific on this part but it was one of Adobe's keynote presentation on their flash 10.1 working on different devices, they showed it working on one of the new Android devices as well as N900, they said it'll be coming out on it. Ya Nokia didn't actually promise this but im just saying, there were a lot of things that got cancelled for the N900. BTW u can find the video on Youtube, i cbf searching.