How do you use multitasking in N900?
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2010-09-07 , 16:28
Posts: 3,428 | Thanked: 2,856 times | Joined on Jul 2008
To be honest the question scares me. The question in the poll is:
How much apps do you typically
keep open
on your N900?
The "keep open" scares me. Obviously when a company such as Nokia asks questions like these they are gauging interest and usability of a particular feature. The primary reason for such would be to determine if including that feature in future projects is worth the effort.
Deductive reasoning seems to give the implication that Nokia is wondering how to handle Multi-tasking in their UX for say, MeeGo.. just throwing something out there
The problem is that the way the question is asked gives a rather, skewed, answer pool that actually
reflective of the "feature" itself.
Multi-tasking is not beneficial, usually, because of having 100 apps at the same time
all the time
.. which is implied by the "keep open" part of the poll. Multi-tasking is beneficial in having the ability to open those 100 apps, at the same time,
when you need them
So again.. the wording and possible implications of this poll scare me. For example:
The apps I typically
keep open
(always running):
1-2 Xterm windows
Active Conversations windows (after I stop talking to someone for a while though I close them)
I also have a few widgets on the desktop such as Calendar and Email. I consider those uses of Multi-tasking as they periodically check for new mail and keep my calendar for the day readily visible. As such, I chose 4-6 apps.
The problem is.. technically if we
look at that specific usage of my phone, Android even fills that gap. (Well.. I had issues with android maintaining an actual, constant, all day IRC connection but we'll talk theory here).
However... when I actively need to
my phone, especially for work, I keep my IRC window and Conversations open from above.. but I also wind up with something similar to Khertan's screenshot. I end up with several Xterm windows SSH'd into multiple servers, with some editing python files or the like, maybe have some music going, still keep my conversations with my buddies going, add a couple of browser windows googling whatever problem I'm currently working on - and all this while seemlessly transferring from browser window to browser window, copy/pasting text from terminals to conversations to browsers... etc.
Doing all that on something like Android would be more difficult, if at all possible, than the interface of the N900.
So, the point is: The power of multi-tasking is
what you
keep alive on your system - but what the most you have
in any given situation that would not have been possible (or harder) on any other device.
is where the N900 truly shines.
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- Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!
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