To be honest the question scares me. The question in the poll is: The "keep open" scares me. Obviously when a company such as Nokia asks questions like these they are gauging interest and usability of a particular feature. The primary reason for such would be to determine if including that feature in future projects is worth the effort. Deductive reasoning seems to give the implication that Nokia is wondering how to handle Multi-tasking in their UX for say, MeeGo.. just throwing something out there . The problem is that the way the question is asked gives a rather, skewed, answer pool that actually isn't reflective of the "feature" itself. Multi-tasking is not beneficial, usually, because of having 100 apps at the same time all the time.. which is implied by the "keep open" part of the poll. Multi-tasking is beneficial in having the ability to open those 100 apps, at the same time, when you need them. ...