... One thing I want to emphasize, that this poll may not necessarily show at a glance: What's great about the N900, and I think a lot of users would agree, is that even if you don't typically use more than 1-3 apps at once, when you do want to pop open 10 browser windows or various apps at once, it can handle it, and it does it conveniently and smoothly. Because I suspect that while a lot of people (myself included) do close all or most of their apps when they are done with them, what makes the N900 experience enjoyable is that you don't really feel trapped or impeded when a situation comes up that does make you want to use 10-15 different apps and/or browser windows. I don't 'typically' use more than 6 windows at once. But sometimes, I want to open a handful of new links, without having to stop using what I am using, and what's great about the N900 is that it lets me do it easily. Just thought I should say that in case someone at the head of future Maemo/MeeGo developments decides to assume that just because most users use 1-3 apps regularly, that they don't greatly enjoy having the opportunity to use 10+ when they want to. - Edit - I see this was already somewhat addressed (somewhat in more direct terms, as well), by the time I had finished typing and posted my reply. The screenshot of MeeGo do indicate multitasking is going strong. Just hoping no one at Nokia takes the poll results to be indicative that making multitasking beyond the first 3-6 apps convenient or workable would be something that wouldn't impact the quality of the multitasking feature.