Well, you know what LoganTool using that proxy as well. That is the PSN network prox, as I did a few research. Afterall it only bypassing the updating server. Here is my little video I've made. This is a tutorial for those who wants to bypassing the stupid rediculously Firmware update every frigging month. I hate the update, I hate it when I lost my OtherOS from my PS3. R.I.P YDL6.2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHhbrvaPnI8 After all the person who hosting it also is one of us, who doesn't like updating firmware that doesn't really give you any benefit other than that it took away features. Why update if the update is changes nothing? Meanwhile, not updating yet also a good thing, there have been some reports about this 3.42 killed people PS3s. So I'm saying I'll stay low until further needs