@ Saturn, digitalvoid Can you help me? Why it isn't working for me? http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p...&postcount=170
I apologize for asking stupid questions. I guess the Wiki isn't too clear, cause I have read the wiki and tried to make sense of it all. What follows may be answered already, I am just not clear, so pardon me if they have been answered. I haven't been able to test this because I only have one phone.
I got the impression from looking through the configuration file that only one phone number could send SMS messages to smscon and that smscon would only reply to that number. So, whatever phone sends the message will get the reply from the n900?
I have also read the wiki and it wasn't really clear about what would trigger smscon. So if anyone was to send me a message with one of the commands in it they would be able to control it? Isn't there some form of password protection / code words that will trigger smscon_d?
I would like to be able to do both simultaneously: email and sms replies.
Device lock. I'm not sure from what I am reading what lock is and how one unlocks the phone. Is that just a lock screen meaning the user just has to swip screen to unlock or is it a password or a sim lock?
reset. I am not sure about the factory default. What does this do? Does it reset the phone and wipe all of the databases, etc???? or does it reset the smscon to its defaults?
Again, apologies if I should have understood this from the wiki.