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Posts: 44 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by humble View Post
That is a sign that it is working run this....
killall hildon-status-menu
It will produce the same affect.

Another sign, run this...
killall hildon-desktop
It will produce the same affect.

Open browser, contacts, messaging, email and press "Optimize Nokia" these process should be killed.

I have a question for you were you using v2 of of the script?(not my deb)
if so could you give me a link?


EDIT: All commands must be run as root
hi humble, it turned out that i misread the post that i thought was the update for the v2 of the optimizeN900 script, but it was actually ur post for the .deb file. My bad :P

So basically, i'm still running the same script downloaded from the first post in page 1. The thing is, i've never experienced any of this problem that i currently have atm, the script just executes and closes and i know it works because i always test the Media Player app, and if it closes/terminates then the script obviously works.

But it doesn't exit at all anymore, and i get those problems as mentioned before.

In fact, when i run the script manually through xTerminal, it showed that most of the processes are not found.

BTW, how come your put the file in this location:
Exec=/bin/sh /usr/local/bin/OptimizeN900
i thought ur supposed to put it here instead:

because the manual way to do it (according to ossipena's post) is put it in /opt/, here's the link to his post here:

Last edited by shadowz1337; 2010-09-15 at 06:08.