Oh right, sorry... anywhere OUTSIDE OF EUROPE. (By the by, I'm in the New England region of the US, not Canada.. but it appears that Europe is about the only place to get halfway decent Nokia service.) And again--doesn't help, can't buy anything. I also find it incredibly humorous to hear someone say that you need to be careful with a mobile device. I thought they were intended to be mobile, therefore likely to experience pressure and shock. Aren't these things DESIGNED to be taken with you, plugged and unplugged repeatedly and likely to be kept in a pocket or dropped? Does it take 2 minutes to get a bluetooth keyboard supported too? Ironically, on my N800 it took nearly no time at all. From what I understand about the N900, it takes somewhat longer than 2 minutes (at first, it wasn't possible at all until someone had to tweak it). Just saying--it's best if a device is solid to start with, THEN gives you the ability to tweak it all to hell. Having neither is pretty much where Maemo is right now, given all the closed components. It's my great hope that MeeGo provides both, but I'm still waiting to see what closed-source abominations Nokia will roll out in their MeeGo images to ruin the otherwise excellent work being done by the MeeGo folks.