Green is a fresh hire for Nokia. He was previously the executive vice president of software at Sun, but resigned from that position in 2008. Much like Nokia's new Microsoft-veteran CEO, Green brings a background in software to a key spot in Nokia's new leadership structure. Green aims to help the company accelerate its software strategy as it continues to undertake what he describes as a transition from being an embedded device company to being a software, platform, and services company. The reason why MeeGo didn't figure prominently in Nokia's announcements during the event, he explained, is because the company isn't ready to disclose specific MeeGo product plans yet. He says that Nokia is becoming more disciplined about how it presents its roadmap and articulates its product strategy. The company will only talk about products that are ready to ship, rather than products that are in the pipeline. The goal of NokiaWorld, he contends, was to show what Nokia is ready to deliver today. He is concerned that disclosing too much information in advance would cause frustration among consumers and technology enthusiasts when plans change later in the product development cycle.