my dream : 1.2Ghz A9 dual core processor, or even Morrestone, or (let be fool) quad core A15 at 2.0 ghz 1 ou 2Gb real RAM (not 256 mb + swap) SGX450 graphics 64gb internal memory microCD slot supporting new XDHC card (up to 128 GB !!) MeeGo tweaked by nokia (with nokia tools : ovi...) 4.1" Resisitive but multitouch screen (like Stantum one) in 1280x720x32bit CBD bluetooth 4.0 open GL 4.1 3G, 3G+ and 4G Wifi N IR (for some good remote control apps) frontal 2mp webcam rear full HD camera (at least 8MPx) full QWERTY keyboard witt spaced keys (as on proto) no button or holes on the face, a full black flat surface alu casing, or baby skin (you know, this soft plastic, like on 5800's rear) dolby surrond speakers micro hdmi, micro usb (with charging, host, and OTG), and Jack 3.5 quick access physical keys for power, +/- and camera a cache for the rear camera with auto on function xenon flash + led one for some cases (like prolunged video taking or even torch app) double sim support removable 4000Mah lithium ion battery design alliance between N9 proto and second nokia U project draft ( because i like the design and the speakers holes with usb dissimulated in. PLEASE DO IT NOKIA, i would even pay 800$ for it if it exists...