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Originally Posted by dwould View Post
You're missing the beginning of that log, the bit that would show whether witter thinks it created an authenticated api instance, and what it was using.
it looks like for some reason it hasn't picked up your account, can you confirm that when you re-start witter, it still shows your account details and shows it as a) active, and b) with oauth configured.
As you ssuspected, restarting witter doesnt store my account details. everytime I need to enter the login credentials & configure the OAUTH. Please find the complete log when I run witter on my N900. /opt/witter/
no text colour setting
no text colour setting
no location setting
no service setting
No refresh_interval section
No refresh_interval section
No filters section
end of file, probably no token
No users section, failed loading user accounts
Failed to establish api for Twitter
Failed to establish api for Twitter
Failed to load cached timeline
Failed to load cached timeline
Failed to load cached timeline
/opt/witter/ui/ GtkWarning: gtk_container_child_set_property: assertion `child->parent == GTK_WIDGET (container)' failed
UI elements loaded from file
signals connected to buttons
Loading Theme Icons
pixbufs loaded for default theme
defining ui buttons
define portrait keyboard objects
define general window
adding button to panned area
time to show the window
pixbufs loaded for default theme
pixbufs loaded for default theme
running tasks: 1
Failed to establish api for Twitter
running tasks: 0
running tasks: 1
running tasks: 2
Failed to establish api for Twitter
running tasks: 1
Failed to establish api for Twitter
running tasks: 0
location sharing enabled
start location tracking
end refresh setup
setting never rotate
trigger landscape orientation
getting profile info
Failed to load profile info
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetUser'
location error: 0... quitting

When I do "witter-timeline" --> "Account Setup" --> "New" and entered the credentials:
Establishing api for Twitter using basic auth
Connection working ok
obtained oauth request_token
requesting auth url
authorization url is

After entering the login credentials, I tried to configure OAUTH as it is displaying OAUTH not configured newt to "Configure OAUTH" button in "Account Setup" Menu --> "New" Tab:
User pressed 'OK' button'
oauth_token_secret=uxiXwt0UywHjKF1dhxu2HsWgUGUiPum IcEUSNQer9c&oauth_token=196515767-NxQ93BurTqQaaFhAq43RaakjhpYOfi4OkjvScAgT

It opened maemo browser and entered twitter page and gave a pin, I entered that pin in Witter and clicked OK
Now come back to "Accounts" there is an entry my username. I pressed "set Active". the log is

Failed to establish api for Twitter
switching active account to npapd123
switching active account to npapd123

Now comeback to "Witter-timeline" window and clicked on "Timeline" icon and clicking refresh button. The log is:
building stacked window with timeline view
defined stackable win
setting up treeview
setting cell wrap to 720
/opt/witter/ui/ GtkWarning: gtk_box_pack: assertion `child->parent == NULL' failed
/opt/witter/ui/ GtkWarning: gtk_box_pack: assertion `child->parent == NULL' failed
/opt/witter/ui/ GtkWarning: gtk_box_pack: assertion `child->parent == NULL' failed
calling showall

refreshing view
running tasks: 1
getting tweets with npapd123
base url =
base url of api object =
Exception in thread Thread-6:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 446, in run
self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/witter/", line 80, in _refresh
File "/opt/witter/", line 955, in getTweetsWrapper
self.activeAccount.getTweets(auto=autoval, older=get_older, get_count=more)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/account/", line 278, in getTweets
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/", line 1450, in GetFriendsTimeline
raise TwitterError("User must be specified if API is not authenticated.")
TwitterError: User must be specified if API is not authenticated.

Here it is continuously loading and never came back and no updates. I cameback one window i.e witter mainwindow and again clicked on timeline and this time i typed "Hi" and pressed "tweet" icon: The log is:
closed timeline view
building stacked window with timeline view
defined stackable win
setting up treeview
setting cell wrap to 720
calling showall

running tasks: 2
sending tweet
reply to
Tweeting with location info
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/witter/", line 267, in enterPressed
result = self.activeAccount.newTweet(tweet, reply_to_name=self.reply_to_name, reply_to_id=self.reply_to)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/account/", line 1045, in newTweet
File "/opt/witter/", line 1683, in PostUpdate
raise TwitterError("The twitter.Api instance must be authenticated.")
twitter.TwitterError: The twitter.Api instance must be authenticated.