More observations: 1) Map - A "route recalculate" button is added to the upper left in routing mode. 2) hildon-desktop & modest: - Latest git version as expected. - Live search now shows the word you typed immediately even if you are in a folder with large number of files. 3) Microb (20100401-1.9.2-5.2+0m5/2.9.5-1.23+0m5): - No "open link in background" option. - In fullscreen mode, reflow keyboard shortcut still turn into auto focus on address instead. 4) PulseAudio (0.9.15-1maemo43+0m5) - Seems to have less stuttering under heavy loading, or it could be HAM takes less load now. 5) Camera: - No visible change in options. - Auto focus speed seems to be a tad quicker. - When front camera is used, say by Mirror, the indicator light turns red. - Video still has frame-drop issue in highest quality setting. 5) QT4.7: Some QT packages will need updating to work properly. 6) Dual boot: Errr... I don't know how to test this.