I've just talked with a certain Nokia-afflliated person on IRC. He said - And I believe him when he says this - that Nokia will ignore most if not all request/complaint posts on the forum. After all, they could be faked, right? Now, while its incredibly unlikely that -this many- posts are all faked, I understand where he's coming from. What he suggests doing is calling or emailing NokiaCare with our complaints and suggestions. One or two won't make a difference, but if we get a couple hundred unique emails sent; a bunch of calls in... That might get someone to take notice. Now, in order to do this, the complaint should be something like "I cant load -major site X-". You can ignore TweakFlashPlayer, because -they- shouldn't know about it and its third-party software also. Just disable that, then complain about some major site you can't access. You can try emailing through the form here: http://www.nokiausa.com/get-support-...are/contact-us Or call 1-866-59NOKIA (1-866-596-6542). And remember, be an obstinate consumer. You paid for this dang device, and its supposed to have Flash. Why isn't it working?!?? It can't hurt. P.S. If you find a good email or number of someone who might be better than the official number/email... Let us know. -Rob