Thread: MeeGo is da Man
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Originally Posted by ericsson View Post
Very good read,00.htm

MeeGo is the future for Nokias smartphones. At least that is the plan, but making good plans has never been a problem for Nokia, they need to execute and deliver as well.

The N9 will run Maemo with a "MeeGo" UX. But the (Maemo)MeeGo UX will not be the UX that is going to be used on real MeeGo phones. Nokia will not encourage people developing for that UX, but will instead encourage developing on Qt and Qt Quick. This will probably be just fine, but think about all the wasted work: Symbian4 UX wasted, Maemo\MeeGo UX wasted. Strange indeed.
I think you're mixing UX with the technologies the UX is done with (UX vs UX framework, the result vs the tools). I'm quite sure Nokia's real MeeGo devices will have pretty much the same UX as the Harmattan N9. Nokia isn't discouraging developers developing for that UX, they're encouraging developing for that UX with a more future proof and cross-platform tools. Just speculation, but I find it hard to believe that they'd scrap all MTF and Orbit applications they've already done. I think the plan would be to maybe migrate them to Qt Quick while already using that for new development.

Originally Posted by ericsson View Post
As I understand, Intel MeeGo for handsets is as good as finished, ready for prime time. Why don't Nokia simply go fwd with Intel? Given the choice I would rather have a Intel smart(whatever) than a cripled ARM (in comparisom). As it is now, Nokia will be late also for MeeGo, maybe too late? Intel smartphones will get there first.
What you refer to as Intel MeeGo is the vanilla MeeGo(it's the same on Intel and ARM). It's even worse on the Aava(x86 reference handset) than it is on the N900 at the moment. N900 is the only device with MeeGo where you can do a phone call at the moment.

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