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Originally Posted by extendedping View Post
since this thread is full of bad analogies let me join.

mommy and daddy apple have some money saved. on xmas and bday's baby iphone gets some new pants and shoes. mommy and daddy android have a (well quite a few) babies and they do the same.

mommy and daddy nokia have a baby called the n900. he had lots of holes in his shoes and pants. occasionally his parents sow up his jeans and patch his shoes. yes he has pants and shoes but he grows up wondering why the other parents buy their kids new cloths while his are all full of stitches and patches.

see I told you it would be bad. point is people payed good money for the n900 and that is a bit like a hand shake. true nowhere in writing does it say you are entitled to this or that....but if you were a parent and you could buy your kid some new stuff, wouldn't you?

it is all about expectations and expectations are set in large part by what competition are providing for like priced goods. the "oh I was never explicitly promised anything" argument while technically correct is really pretty lame.

you payed $500 or more for a device and similar priced devices from the competition get all sorts of new features on a routine basis? and you expect people not to express disapointment? common now...
I want a pocket computer, N900 at $500 -- sounds pretty good to me, since it comes with cell phone, gps, webcam module and full multitasking. Are there any device made in 2009 that can do it well?