Using latest 0.1.0-7. I haven't changed the default buffer size so it must be the 30secs. I use 160kbit when on the move and 320kbit when at home. I'm using PR1.3. It's not about playing one long track. I'm playing mostly my "misc" playlist with shuffle enabled. I have 195 tracks on that playlist at the moment. When I begin listening to the playlist and I put on the device's screenlock and open the screenlock right after, there's no delay. If I let it play couple of songs and then try to open screenlock I might need to wait couple of seconds. If I wait long enough I won't be able to open my device at all, it's so jammed. I also have the same problem as someone else earlier mentioned. When playing my "misc" playlist with shuffle, the player might start exactly the same song again which just played but show the "next" song as playing song. If I press skip then it will start playing the song that previously was showed in the album art etc. and again there's the album art and song name of the "next" song displayed. Whoah, difficult explanation... I just listened to Madonna's Love Don't Live Here Anymore at the same time Qspot telling me that the playing song is Police's Murder by Numbers... close enough... This slowdown problem has to have something to do with memory usage as you said. I just connected my N900 to an amplifier at my home and left it playing music at 320kbit as long as it can. It played duplicates, me skipping always when it did so. It didn't actually play a very long time, about 45mins perhaps. Then it stopped. When I opened my screenlock it opened straightaway showing that Qspot had crashed and had a system message in finnish language, my translation follows as: "Action temporarily prevented. Not enough memory." And another problem that still occurs is when I log in to Qspot, I first have the message "Loading playlists" and then followed by "Timeout occured while loading playlists!". Qspot showing only some of my playlists.