Yes. And No! If a Maemo desktop widget has autorotation built in (like DigiClock) it can mess up screen layout when flipping to portrait. On Symbian, widgets are assigned to 'blocks' that have corresponding positions on portait/landscape so things do not become a jumbled mess on rotation. With SPB MobileShell for Symbian you CAN position widgets pretty much where you want them in both portrait AND landscape modes. My X6 is now almost as customisable (for the basics at least) as my N900, but you are limited to SPB's choice of widgets. SPB Mobile Shell is available across several platforms now - does anyone have any experience of how this works on other devices? Personally I'm not bothered about portrait mode on N900 homescreen & menus, but autorotation within apps is immensely useful to me and I await current current community efforts to achieve this in Modest, etc with great interest.